Brief info

Matthew Loh, the youngest of the Loh family, graduated from University of Texas, Arlington in 1995 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has faithfully served on the on Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce Board, for the last 9 years and is currently Past Chairman of the Chamber. With his leadership, the Chamber became the very first Chamber in North Texas to have created an Asian Business Division that has catapulted the chamber into a multicultural business professional organization. The Asian Business Division was recognized during the 113th U.S. Congress, Second Session and is now part of the Congressional Record.

He serves on the Business Advisory Board for Grand Prairie Independent School District. His leadership in this committee has allowed the businesses in our area to relate real world needs to the curriculum of or Career Technical Education teachers so that our students are ready to join the workforce.

Recently Matthew initiated a family non-profit, The LOH Foundation, to ensure that funds are set aside when tragedy strikes, or for scholarships, or for the needs of the community.

The respect Mathew has for his own culture is apparent in the events celebrated at Asia Time Square. What may not be apparent to the undiscerning eye is the way that he has incorporated global cultures at his events. In this way Matthew leads our community toward not just tolerance of other cultures, but an appreciation and respect for them as well. Though he is deliberate in his actions, this vision and leadership are helping build a diverse dynamic that many communities admire.

He doesn’t back down from strong leadership roles in the community who strive to make a difference in North Texas; someone who exemplifies a corporate executive and who is an advocate for all peoples. That is Matthew Loh. He calls it “Living his life the way his father taught him”.


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Contact Us

2625 West Pioneer Pkwy #813
Grand Prairie, TX 75051

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